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The Wellness Institute

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Aug 20, 2004 4:20 am Breast Cancer
Mike O'Grady
Hi all:

Sorry I've been away, but I'm usually out of town 5 weeks out of the month.

I want to bring a subject to everyone on the forums attention, because a friend of mine sent me an e-mail promoting the "Pink Ribbon" that 3M will be putting up in Times Square in October for Breast Cancer month. Apparently #m will be donating a dollar for every e-mail sent in to the foundation for breast cancer research. I'm sorry folks, but this is something Hitler would have loved. The American Cancer Society, AMA, & FDA have absolutely NO INTEREST in curing cancer OF ANY TYPE! These people and institutions should be held liable at Nuremberg type trials for the murders they have committed against the American public aver the past century.

For example, the ACS & NCI KNEW in the '70's that the radiation from mammograms would CAUSE breast cancer, yet they criminally exposed over 300,000 women to this barbaric procedure, and still do today.

I suggest that everyone get a copy of Barry Lynes book "The cancer Conspiracy" and read for yourselves. We have been curing cancer in Germany for years (at the rate of 80 to 90%) using "alternative" treatments, which have been suppressed and outlawed by our own FDA & AMA.

It's time we got up in arms about the murder of half a million of our citizens a year. Think about it…10,000 people DIE in this country EACH WEEK due to our drug and radiation treatment system.

Any questions?

Write me at miko@airmail.net

Love to all


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