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Hello From San Diego, CAViews: 189
Jun 15, 2005 3:59 pmHello From San Diego, CA#

Brenda Gradert
Hello Everyone,

I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Brenda Gradert; I am a 28 year old mother of two wonderful children. I have been with Mary Kay since March 2005. I am really enjoying myself with MK and want to step out of my comfort zone to make my experience better. I am looking forward to working with all of you.

Hope you are having a wonderfully productive week!


Private Reply to Brenda Gradert

Jun 15, 2005 4:28 pmre: Hello From San Diego, CA#

Andrea Beal
Hello! and Welcome!! I am in Fresno, CA!!! Feel free to look at my Ryze page!!

Andrea :o)

Private Reply to Andrea Beal

Jun 23, 2005 1:01 amre: Hello From San Diego, CA#

Pam Hoffman
Hi Brenda!

Welcome to the network!

I'm reading 'Network Marketing for Dummies' and WOW! Zig Ziglar is one of the authors. They have some really great background info and some insights that just changed my viewpoints for the better.

I've been using MK for almost twenty years and I became a consultant last December. I switched to TimeWise recently and I have noticed a real difference!

I'm building my business slowly but I expect to turbocharge it now - it's a shift mentally and the 'Dummies' book is the pivot for me. I recommend continually tapping into the material from MK and anything else which SUPPORTS what you are doing! Things will happen for you!

Keep on keeping on,

Pam Hoffman
Space Entrepreneur


Brenda Gradert wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Brenda Gradert; I am a 28 year old mother of two wonderful children. I have been with Mary Kay since March 2005. I am really enjoying myself with MK and want to step out of my comfort zone to make my experience better. I am looking forward to working with all of you.

Hope you are having a wonderfully productive week!


Private Reply to Pam Hoffman

Jun 26, 2005 6:01 pmre: Hello From San Diego, CA#

Hi Brenda. It's great to have you join our network.

> Brenda Gradert wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
>I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Brenda Gradert; I am a 28 year old mother of two wonderful children. I have been with Mary Kay since March 2005. I am really enjoying myself with MK and want to step out of my comfort zone to make my experience better. I am looking forward to working with all of you.
>Hope you are having a wonderfully productive week!

Private Reply to Lea

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