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Truth Seekers [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
ISince I still had this in frontpage I thought I'd post it here as wellViews: 44
Mar 30, 2007 1:40 am re: ISince I still had this in frontpage I thought I'd post it here as well

It goes against my better judgement to respond to this, but you’ve crossed a few lines, here. I think there are some things that need saying.

What strikes me as most ironic is the way you have responded to people over the past few months with the same narrow-mindedness and egocentricity that has probably played a huge role in the US being in the state its in, and having the international reputation that it does. And then to boot you refer to others as bigots. You say you’ve learned a lot about other people. I don’t think you’ve listened to anyone long enough to learn a damned thing. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to listen for a change instead of just lecturing.

There are a lot of nations out there, and the US has set a pretty high standard for ineptitide in the racial-relations department. So, I’m sure that some of the people who have left the network over this, as well as a number of non-American readers find laughable the idea of an American, especially a white American giving lectures on race relations. Sorry to be so blunt. I know that many people on this network want, and in their own way are working towards a better country. But it would probably help if the arrogance, as well as the verbal abuse was kept to a minimum. What could have been a series of very positive threads turned out to be something very negative, and you deserve a huge chunk of the blame.

Oh, yeah…this. Wow!

“It comes down to this, for black people to succeed in this country it is up to white people to let them.”

That pretty condescending.

Private Reply to Tom (new win)

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