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Truth Seekers [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
One of my fears coming true for another bloggerViews: 69
Mar 30, 2007 1:47 am Stop Cyberbullying Day Tomorrow

Danielle (Dani) Cutler
Cyber Threats Against Well-Known Local Blogger

Mar. 29 - KGO - Internet bloggers are calling for a boycott tomorrow in reaction to cyber threats being made against a local online writer. Bloggers everywhere are outraged and taking action to stop cyberbullying. Online harassment they say has gone too far after death threats and disturbing photos of a well-known blogger surfaced.


There is an interview with Kathy Sierra at the link too. I will participate, but I really don't know what impact it will have. Sort of like those "don't buy gas from this particular place on this day" sort of things.
I also have to say, she must only be well-known in her area, because I have not heard of her at all until this story was brought to my attention.

So, probably won't be seeing me here tomorrow. I'm going to post the anniversary podcast late tonight, then no blogging for me until Saturday! (yes, I consider this place a blog for me, one in which everyone contributes!)


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