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Truth Seekers [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
ISince I still had this in frontpage I thought I'd post it here as wellViews: 70
Mar 31, 2007 12:18 am Since I still had this in frontpage I thought I'd post it here as well--a different perspective

Audrey Yoeckel
All during the recent fracas, I kept thinking how different my own perspective is from anything I was reading. It just takes a lot to explain so let me try to break this down and see if it's something others might be able to get behind:

1. I'm an artist. I LOVE color. I love to watch the way light reflects off of skin. Did you know that different colors behave differently between light and shadow? Did you know that colors reflect other colors? (The fashion rules about skin tones and what is most attractive on an individual--ie "I'm a spring, autumn, etc" exemplify this.)
To me a world without color--where differences are not recognized--would be horribly dull. :)

Colors are fascinating!

2. The world is made up of many cultures and subcultures. Ebonics is a dialect of a subculture...so is low-deutch. As such, it is "worthy" (ahem--Ahh! the traps of our "Western" ;) culture). IMO, validation of a subculture erases all the ignorant criticisms that are used to paint them as "unworthy".

We run into the same garbage with music and style. Let each stand on its own. Nothing on Earth appeals to everybody, but it is all art. Creative self-expression is something I CAN understand.

3. 1 and 2 are both expressions of the physical and don't address anything to do with struggle, history or social inequities. That's ok. The idea is to appreciate and embrace superficial differences. But what about all that other stuff? Do I need to understand 100% the black (or yellow or red) experience to be able to address it? Not by a long shot.

Here's what I need to understand in order to express empathy:

Pain hurts. We've all experienced physical and/or emotional pain at one time or another. To recognize the experience of suffering in others is what's required to move forward. No judgments about it are necessary or even welcome. "My pain is greater/lesser than yours" type of statement is just plain SILLY!

Laws applied equally to all is necessary for social justice. I have rights the same as my neighbors, friends, countrymen, etc. ANYTHING else is injustice. Injustice that harms my neighbor harms me. Therefore, when I'm made aware of that harm, it's my job to work to fix it or it will come back to bite me. (See you don't even need to be empathic for this one. Even a strong sense of self-preservation will do.)


Appreciation and validation are just as important (if not more) as understanding.

Recommended viewing: The Gods Must be Crazy.


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