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Truth Seekers [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
One of my fears coming true for another bloggerViews: 109
Mar 31, 2007 8:09 am re: re: Stop Cyberbullying Day Tomorrow

Danielle (Dani) Cutler
Well, a day of just saving things that I knew I wanted to post about.

From other blogs.

Did I make a difference? Probably not. Still, it was important enough for me to do something, by doing nothing for a day. Perhaps not enough knew about it. So if this comes around again, I will make sure other blogs know about it.

That being said, Dave, I do understand where you are coming from. I really am not sure if this cyber-bullying would be curbed if anonymity were banned. After all, look at Michelle Malkin's blog, and what she has done in the past. Look at Ann Coulter. Look at all the ones we KNOW who post their hate proudly. And we all ready know that trolls can still troll even though we know who they are.

I think we might actually have to agree to disagree on this one. As I said above, I believe in the right to privacy as much as I believe in freedom of speech. There are many places on the net where people might not want to be known, and it's harmless. Even here on TS really it's harmless. I have no problem with it, if the purpose is true and they actually want to engage. When it gets to a negative point as it has in the past, it's up to ME to take the action, since I run the place. If that action involves having someone show who they are, so be it, but it's really not something that should be automatically forced upon an individual.

But it is up to us to call out the ones who spew their hate behind their anonymous names.

And not give them power.


Private Reply to Danielle (Dani) Cutler (new win)

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