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Truth Seekers [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
ISince I still had this in frontpage I thought I'd post it here as wellViews: 45
Apr 01, 2007 7:33 pm re: re: re: ISince I still had this in frontpage I thought I'd post it here as well

Todd Morris
Hi Jenny,

No, that's not what I said. I never said that black people need to become "better". I said that ALL of us need to be responsible for creating the type of society we wish to live in.

White people should not tolerate racism. The stereotype of whites is that we're all "wink, wink" let's take care of our own, and screw the other guy. I don't deny this happens, and I don't deny that it happens among the powerful ... and it is a problem. However, I don't think I'm being idealistic in saying that the Majority of white people do not feel and act this way. One of the easiest ways for those of us in the majority to help make this better, is to call people on it when we see them perpetuating the "wink, wink" stereotype.

On the other side of the coin ...

I know for a fact that the majority of African Americans are Not drug dealers, criminals, welfare recipients, etc. But, fairly or not, that is the stereotype that certain closed minded segments of our society still hold. What the majority of the black community could be doing differently, is instead of blaming "racisim" for the Actions of that small minority who are acting innappropriately ... they should point their fingers at the Individuals who are CHOOSING to perpetuate the stereotype.

Just my opinion,

p.s. please remember, I've lived my entire life in the most integrated segment of American society ... the US Military. So, I have seen (and had many long discussions) close up, and from both sides.

Private Reply to Todd Morris (new win)

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