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Truth Seekers [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
ISince I still had this in frontpage I thought I'd post it here as wellViews: 124
Apr 02, 2007 1:03 pm re: re: re: re: re: re: re: ISince I still had this in frontpage I thought I'd post it here as well
Jenny *Sigh* See, I NEVER get any answers to those questions. That totally sucks. If I answer your questions, Todd, will you please, pretty please with sugar on top, answer the ones I asked of you?

"Do You honestly believe that the Majority of white people are racists?"

Yes, in one form or another--mostly unconsciously--but what worries me more, is the *systemic* racism that is ongoing and accepted blithely.

"How about black people ... do You believe that because someone happened to be born with dark skin, they bare NO personal responsibility for their own actions?"

No, everyone bears responsibility for their actions. I don't, however, believe that racism is based on actions, but on a sense of superiority based on skin color.

Black people aren't subjected to racism because of their actions, they're subjected to racism because of the color of their skin.

Black people don't behave in any way that is any different than white people. Yet they are discriminated against *BY WHITE SOCIETY* and white people who engage in those very same behaviors are not.

"And what about the growing number of people who are of "mixed" race ... where do they fit in? Do they get to Choose which group they belong to? Are they "racist" when dealing with black people, and "oppressed" when dealing with whites?"

The only ones who get to choose which group they belong to, are the ones who's skin color permits it. They, if they have lighter skin, can choose to enjoy the benefits of a living in a *white society*--such as equal justice, equal education, equal pay, equal housing, etc.

Racism is about skin color.

"I'm not really trying to be funny with the above paragraph. I'm just pointing out, that in the real world, things are almost always much more complicated than just trying to identify the "good guys" and the "bad guys"."

And what makes you believe that I'm boiling this down to "good guys" and "bad guys"? The whole picture is MUCH more complicated than that, but the truths are very simple. How we ended up where we are, how we acknowledge that, where we see it, and how we move past it, are where it gets tricky. But the truths themselves aren't difficult at all.

Now, would you please answer the questions I asked? Pretty please? :)


Private Reply to Jenny (new win)

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