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Just Starting.. A Network For New Business Owners! [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Intro and OfferViews: 45
Apr 07, 2006 7:06 pm Intro and Offer

Jennifer Kelley Large
My name is Jennifer, my company produces offline marketing marterials and sales training programs.

although online marketing is very important, in face to face meetings and networking events, you still need professional, effective materials to give to potential clients. That's where we come in, unique-targeted materials custom designed to suit not only your business but your personal style of doing business.

As for the sales training-one on one programs. We meet you where you are in your abilities and work to help you create income and success from your marketing. Marketing is only your first step, you have to be willing to sell your product/service and ask for the money. With over 25 years experience in both sales and training, the personal attention and program design, you can overcome any issues you have with asking for that sale in no time at all.

Contact through Ryze and we'll not only give you your first hour of sales training free, you receive a 25% discount on your first 3 month program. Looking forward to hearing from you, whether you're wanting to build your network marketing business (and yes, that does involve knowing how to sell), or take your business to the next level of success, see what solid training and mentoring can do for you.

Yours for Successful Sales!
Jennifer Kelley Large
KelleyKruger Designs

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