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Sep 30, 2004 8:26 pm re: new topic #2
Ron Amundson

I started blogging as I thought it was cool....

What I'm getting out of it.... Indepth education. Writing on a subject, at least for me, is a much better learning experience as well as a memory crutch than passive reading and bookmarking.

Personal enjoyment.... some of my writings are controversial. Its fun to watch the karma counters go up and down. I can tell I hit a hot spot when I see lots of karma activity, page views, and yet, the counter stays around zero. (eg the pluses and negatives counteract each other)

SEO... I update my blog fairly often, as a result, the search engines visit every week, if not every couple days. Its interesting to see how google ranks move around, and I also monitor it with social mapping software. Cool stuff

What is my business case?
A filtering tool. By reading my blog, potential clients can see some of our processes. If they are not comfortable with our methods, they can go elsewhere. The costs of client aquisition are high, my hope is that the blog will serve as a filter, and thus save me time and money by discouraging less than qualified clients.

All in all, the educational aspects are #1, fun is #2, and the business aspects I think are working. I have had very few unqualified potential clients inquire since blogging.


> Rick Kershner wrote: > Part of the appeal of blogs is that they are Personal; kind of like reading someone else's diary. And while some news syndicators feel that they can make money with news-blogs or review-blogs, the vast majority are personal or personal-interest (hobby, travel, job, etc. related)

>Just like the early part of the Internet bubble, a lot of people are starting blogs with no logical or business case for it; here comes the question.....

>Why did you start a blog (or want to); what do you hope to get out of it, what is your business case?

Private Reply to Ron Amundson (new win)

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