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Entrepreneurs with ADD [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
50 Tips ...Views: 232
Feb 24, 2006 2:00 pm re: re: re: : Very helpful software (class on how to Mind Map)

Danielle Bailey
I think, in a way, what bugged me most was that I was on time for the meeting and prepared (Outlook's calendar/reminder function is my savior here at work) and he was late, disorganized, and couldn't even stay focused on the topic of the meeting. He had to go off on a tangent about ADD. I *really* wanted to tilt my head, smile, and suggest he be tested.

I don't know if it's because I've been this way for 33 years and never been able to rely on anything other than my own coping mechanisms (since I've never been tested, I'm not on meds, though I sincerely wish I were sometimes), or just because I'm just so darned determined to 'fit in' but I've tried, and sometimes succeeded, to put boundaries in place to control this part of my life.

And, as one person puts it so well, unless you read the way that I write, or watch me when I'm alone, or listen to me try to carry on social conversations, you wouldn't normally guess that I am an ADDult. But in my writing, or relaxed conversations, I'm constantly interrupting myself and running off into other tangents. And, because I'm female, I tend to 'daydream' which isn't one of the more obvious facets of ADD.

*sigh* I love the sparks of creativity that I have. I even respect my own intelligence. But I would give just about anything to be able to commit to something 100% and see it through without it becoming a tortorous struggle that I give up all too easily.

Private Reply to Danielle Bailey (new win)

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