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Love, Marriage, Relationships [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
New here...Views: 84
Jul 26, 2005 10:44 pm New here...
Sherry James Thought I'd post a quick intro. This should be a totally new 'Ryze Experience' for me...lol. I met Sandra at The Virtual Handshake and thought this might just be a lot of fun and interesting...

I've been married to my husband Harry for 2 years. It's a second marriage for both of us. I was married to my first husband for 15 years, Harry was married to his ex for 14 years. We have 4 kids between us: I have 2 from my first marriage, Harry has 1, and we have 1 together. So far it's been quite an adventure in tolerance to say the least. Only 2 live us, our baby boy C.J. and my daughter Sammi. Honestly, there have been times in the past 8 months where I really felt like I'd been jipped because the man I married was not as advertised...lol! We're working through that and have removed some of the stress that caused Harry to behave like his 'not so pleasant' father...whole other story. Anyway, we shall see, is all I can really say...but when I married this guy I did it for real this time...no opt-outs.

I am a WAHM and operate a small home child care along with my network marketing business and websites.

Hope to learn and meet some fun people here.


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