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Love, Marriage, Relationships [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
How Do YOu Get What YOu Want From a Man (or Woman)Views: 98
Jul 31, 2005 5:42 pm re: How Do YOu Get What YOu Want From a Man (or Woman)

Marilyn Jenett

I had the pleasure of speaking with Sandra on the phone and told her a cute story that is in sync with her ideals about women leaving their "masculine" at the office and tapping more into their femininity in the relationship.

It's also rather in sync with this topic.

The man I lived with for many years had his own business in the entertainment industry. However, he also helped me with my business and was very supportive. He was stubborn and liked to have his way, and sometimes we had our "moments" for as you know, I'm not what you would call a passive type :-)

Well, I recall one day we had had an argument over something and that night he had fallen asleep and I went to the bedroom, leaned over and kissed him. I told him that I didn't want to argue. He said in his sleepy state, "Then don't be so bossy". I said, trying to be cute, "But I am the boss". And he came back with..."Just don't let me know it," and was off to dreamland.



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