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Love, Marriage, Relationships [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
How Do YOu Get What YOu Want From a Man (or Woman)Views: 120
Jul 31, 2005 6:43 pm re: Susan: re: How Do YOu Get What YOu Want From a Man (or Woman)
Susan Perkins Whatever have I been missing?? Getting ready to head out - but had to say something -

Firstly, Joe - thank you for your kind sentiments! It was great to talk with you via the phone as well! I can tell you are a REAL man with a sentimental, romantic heart!!

How do I remain "unattached"? Well, it is a funny thing - sort of..

I'm finding myself between a Catch22, if you will...

While I appreciate Deans protection of me (Yes, he does have nice legs - only seen them in his pic here on Ryze however :-))...

The only "protection" I need is when men ask me if I have a significant other and I tell them bluntly, "I don't date and I live a Celibate life!" It is like watching the Parting of the Red Sea before my very eyes!! I just walk away laughing...so many shallow men out there...too, too afraid to take on this "project" that could perhaps lead to a "committment" since it is more than obvious at this point that I do not date just for fun! Which would mean if I were open enough to "date" someone,,,,My intentions would be for the long-haul if it worked out. Does that make sense?

Guys, I did meet someone who I found I have an attraction - but the "parting of the red sea" syndrome is occuring...and location is a consideration...and it looks to be too complicated to begin anyway....alas....here I remain...swimming...alone...

Danielle: I cried when I read your post! This is really the hardest thing to find - a man that will love you back as much as you love them! I'm an affectionate thing and thrive on hugs - give my dear business associates and friends warm hugs - guys just seem to show "affection" when...

Will SAndra: What do you think about that one? Men typically give affection to get sex? Can men show affection to simply express their emotions and care of someone? Separate the two?

Marilyn - I'm right with ya - Dean has much chivalry and we are very good friends and business networking pals! And,,,I know the council I'm going to receive from you regarding my blanket statement to that common question...I'm ready....

But "MetroSexual"? I'm lost here as well?

Out the door...boy, am I missing some great Ryze stuff the month of July!

warmest, Susan

Private Reply to Susan Perkins (new win)

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