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Love, Marriage, Relationships [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
How Do YOu Get What YOu Want From a Man (or Woman)Views: 109
Aug 01, 2005 4:46 am Danille re: Susan: re: How Do YOu Get What YOu Want From a Man (or Woman)

Joe Severa
You two guys are on my Christmas Wish List, you both have CLASS, real femininity in communicating same, & if you guys ever heard Susan purring on the phone, you would have to think that Washington D.C.'s available men are brain dead, how could she be unattached still?

Dean, I'm married to both my Patricia & my businesses, which my wife is very jealous of, just ask her. I also love my family, my country & my church, which is Unity of Melbourne. I love w/o reservations, use that word more than most men that I know of. Why not, just read the above entries from the ladies who are loved, have been adored, even Marilyn gave us a hint of her vulnerability when being in love, she becomes soft, caring & unlike her usual demeanor that the public sees.

Dani is about to bring yet another darling into our world, & I will not openly flirt with her, even in jest. I just have too much respect for any woman performing the miracle of birth, something no man can pull off, ever!

I've been under a tremendous strain lately, my youngest grandson has a pre-cancerous toe, the tumor has changed colors & is now growing over his toenail, I could just spit!!! Then my son-in-law had his contract end, & although he gets offers, he's not about to return to Saudi Arabia, or any foreign nation like Nigeria, Venezuala, or another mid-east hellhole. That last Saudi deal was a wakeup call. He recognized two of the terrorists that broke into the Yanbu compound & began shooting only the Americans & had he not been in a back office at the time, he very well could've bought the farm right there.

So you see ladies, it soothes my nerves to discuss your love lives & to enjoy how you think & respond to being loved. Most men shield or hide their true feelings because they may have been raised that way by guess who, YES, their mothers ladies? As being the old fashioned romantic that I've always been, giving back true love seems as natural as breathing, & evidently our Susan appreciates those thoughts, I doubt that she thinks I'm coming on to her, do you Susan, ROFL?

'Nuff for tonight, my love goes to all of you ladies who are so open & revealing about what makes you tick, trust me, most men love being loved with a passion, although too many don't "get it," about what NOT to do afterwards. Post love (after the orgasms & such) cements the feeling that women crave, RESPECTFUL cooing, soothing words of appreciation, you know the touching by hugging & embracing her softly, but firmly. If a woman doesn't enjoy that, then maybe they don't "get it!"

Sweet dreams ladies,


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