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Love, Marriage, Relationships [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Finding love onlineViews: 93
Aug 10, 2005 10:10 pm re: re: Finding love online

Sandra Harmon
As a Love, Dating, Sex and Relationship Coach, I not only endorse on-line dating, I have coached so many people in the art of successful online dating that I know that it really possible to find your mate online. Are you listening Dean and Vera?

Seriously, I dont say its easy. Its a numbers game and you have to learn how to play it. But I really urge all of you single business people out there who are spending most of your time at the computer or if you are single moms or dads at home with the kids, to jump on the bandwagon and try internet dating.

There are many sites to choose from, and the most popular usually have some form of free trial offer; sites like match.com, matchmaker, Jdate and so many others. There are speciality dating sites, ie. for millionaires, tall people, short people, Christians, blacks, highly educated people, fat people, you get my drift. Seek and thou shalt find.

Don't be frightened. Internet dating is not just for wierdo's, perverts or losers, although like any other place, it has its share of those. I promise you, there are millions of lovely, loving, decent men and women who are online hoping to meet their soulmate.

Just think. You sign up, put up your picture and your profile and your preferences in a mate, and suddenly, hundreds of pictures of people fitting the specifications you ordered appear on your computer. No matter what your age, there are usually hundreds of people to choose from at any given time. Its actually mindboggling, especially after you've spent years convinced that all the good guys (or gals) are taken.

One of my clients, a beautiful,divorced mother of two young girls met her future husband, an amazing, absolutely adorable, kind, sweet, highly educated and renowned immunologist, on JDate. They fell in love, the kids adore him, her mother adores him, he is crazy for the whole family and they are getting engaged in a few weeks. She says he is the man she has always dreamed of and never thought she would find.

So if you havent tried it, don't hesitate. And if you think you need a little coaching, here's my program, just as it is on my website.

Find Love Through Online Dating
$99/week or $350 a month

On-line dating could be just the right way for you to meet your soul mate, because you broaden your visibility a thousand fold, and meet men (or women) you wouldn't otherwise have an opportunity to know.

Let me help you win the game of love. I will give you photo advice, help you write an eye-catching profile, and guide you in the ways in which you will attract and keep the interest of that special man (or woman) with whom you have chemistry, who you can trust, and who has the values, attitudes and personality traits which will compliment yours.

You will learn:

How to find the right dating site and sign up for a FREE trial run
How to select the All-Important Photo
How to construct an attention grabbing headline that attracts the right man (or woman)
How to hone your seduction skills
What your profile really says about you
Why the male should always make the first move
How long to wait before responding to his email
How to weed out "the losers"
When to give him your phone number
Why you should never call him first
When to accept a date
How to dress for that important first date
Where to meet
Why you should never split the check
What to do if you hate him the minute he says, "Hello"
How to deal with rejection
If you both like each other; what then?
And much more
You get:

One sixty minute or two thirty minute phone calls with me each week
As many emails as you need

By the way, I suggest you sign up for at least two sites to begin. Then you can have twice the fun.

Sandy Harmon
Your Love Coach

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