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Need resources on step-parentingViews: 104
Aug 11, 2005 3:46 pm Step-parenting tips

Sandra Harmon
Your primarily goal is to negotiate rights and privileges between you and your husband. If you and he are a good negotiating team, you can make up things likehouse rules, chorelist, curfews, grade point standards, etequette, dress codes etc.

The rule of thumb is, butt out unless bones are broken or blood is drawn. At the same time, listen attentively so that all the kids can speak up about anything. YOu can determine what is and what is not significant. It should be understandable and acceptable to you that kids snitch on one another as a way to jockey for priority. Dont put down a child for tattling. Act only on damage to people or property. All else, ignore.

Being a parent or role model step parent is an eighteen year commitment to be consistent.

There are lots of groups, seminars, workshops, churches, therapists and coaches, who, like me, are ready to assist you. Also check out "Parents Without Parents" if there is a group in your area.

Sandy Harmon

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