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Love, Marriage, Relationships [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
What qualities are you looking for in a mate?Views: 111
Sep 02, 2005 4:02 am re: What qualities are you looking for in a mate?
Susan Perkins Why hasn't this one been responded to? I know why, you ask for only 3 things? That is very hard... :-)

1. Communication - he must enjoy my way of communicating & and I must enjoy his - and it must be frequent conversation.

2. Generous - no cheapo's (with any aspects of giving) - think of me and others - remember to ask how I am and be considerate/thoughtful.

3. Active - he must enjoy doing things like travel and outdoor activies - not glued to the TV Set.

Looks have never been a biggy for me - I look at the eyes - see what is behind there - how often does he smile? - is he secure in who he is? How does he treat others? Does he exhibit a boyish quality while being mature & responsible? (me like...)

Is he a MACHO man with a large degree of the male ego flowing? (Me not like...)

These are some of the questions I mentally ask myself as I'm out and about...

Too long? Susan

Private Reply to Susan Perkins (new win)

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