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Love, Marriage, Relationships [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Why Some Married Women Have Affairs....Views: 119
Nov 06, 2005 1:41 am re: re: re: Why Some Married Women Have Affairs....

Denise Michaels
John Joseph wrote:
(snip) "I've been through the weight loss thing over the years. It works both ways. BTW - You look good babe! I love the flattery too. I think us guys go over the top to many times about it, and my spouse recognizes it." (snip)

DMM: Thanks for your positive comments, John. Here's what's interesting about the weight loss thing. I'm 47 not 27 and I swear when I go on these trips (no more till next year now) since losing the weight I have guys tripping over themselves to talk with me and hang out with me. It's really quite amusing. Bear in mind some of them have been in my marketing teleclasses (I'm a trainer with a large seminar organization) every week for a couple months so they feel like they have a friendship with me already as a result of that weekly contact.

"Hey Denise, do you want to go to dinner with us? We got a little group together and..."

"Denise, I'd really like an opportunity to sit down and talk with you about such and such. How 'bout doing a Starbucks...?

"Denise, I'd appreciate getting your take on this business deal I've got on the table. I value your opinion."

Now, I'm not operating under any false illusions. I never gave Miss America a run for her money even in my twenties. And every time I go to get my haircut I threaten the stylist with her own scissors if she makes me look like a bland hausfrau. *LOL*

But at this age - I'm a bit startled by it all. It's fun - oh hey - I'm not complainin' - but geez, I think about all the fun I missed out on while I was overweight. And I find it really funny that guys are willing to go a little gaga over a middle aged former fattie with short dark hair - no long blonde tresses and no boob implants. I dunno - I think it says good things about men in the world.

Who knew! *wink*

All te best,

Denise Michaels
Author, "Testosterone-Free Marketing"

Visit: http://www.GreatIdeasforWomenOver40.com

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