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Love, Marriage, Relationships [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
marriage and menViews: 174
May 05, 2006 6:31 pm marriage and men
Shweta Gurjar Hi,
I was married, an year ago in a typical Indian arranged wedding. Three months after the wedding, my husband told me that he had married for the only reason that he needed help to pay his debts and was not interested in a wife. The moment I heard those words, I filed a divorce and a year later, this april, I was finally single, no more in the wedlock of this blood-sucking creep!!
Today, an year later, I enjoy my freedom and, with my past experiences and a broken marriage, I know that men in my life is not a necessity atall. I am quite happy living without them.
I however have is vaccum...a question that I havent found an answer to..Why did he do it?? Is marriage,a spiritual bond so shallow???
I have no clue what men want in a marriage today..definitely I'm going to be careful in the near and the far future


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