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If You Are On Twitter, Get A Twitwall, Mr. Tweet and SocialtooViews: 277
Jan 21, 2009 3:11 am If You Are On Twitter, Get A Twitwall, Mr. Tweet and Socialtoo

Lamar Morgan 954-603-7901

If you are on Twitter, you most likely would like to have more followers. But, what is the best way to get them? I recommend two program - Mr. Tweet and Socialtoo. Mr. Tweet works as your personal networking assistant. He tells you who you should follow and who is currently following you that you should follow back. Then, there is Socialtoo. Socialtoo helps you automate the follow-back process and empowers you to send out surveys to the Twitter world, automatically.

Question: How should you showcase via Twitter, podcasts, videos and pictures in a theater-style format? Answer: Twitwall. Want to see an example? Visit one of my two Twitwalls - Clustering.

Lamar Morgan
CDMM - Synergistic Business Marketing
Attract more customers!

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