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The Wellness Institute

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Jun 21, 2004 3:46 pm Dentists say: The worst thing regarding water you can do for your kids it to give them bottled water
sue www.NuBeginning.com Pats
Dentists say: The worst thing regarding water you can do for your kids it to give them bottled water.

Here is the solution.

The World's Best Source of Water.

It is a great deal. If you have kids, it is really crucial. No other water treatment system claims to retain fluoride after filtering. Bottled water doesn't contain any fluoride (if you don't believe, ask your dentist or check the contents of bottled water.) Plus there is not much quality control for bottled water.

Other water treatment systems remove mainly lead and chlorine, keeping most of the micro-organisms in the water. Want comparison with anything available in the market, sure the comparison is available.

This water purifyer (better than just treatment) system has been rated #1 in consumer report for past 3 years.

Do take a look at it, for you and your loved ones.

Private Reply to sue www.NuBeginning.com Pats (new win)

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