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The Wellness Institute

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Jun 26, 2004 12:02 pm re: re: re: re: re: Cancer treatments
Maritza Prats
Hi Jeff,

Please e-mail me a copy of the file on the science behind the Lycium Barbarum Goji Berry. My e-mail address is mprats619@yahoo.com


> Jeff Hill wrote:
> Dianna,
>You have a right to believe in your program and believe that some human designed test can figure out the human body and what it needs.
>I believe the human body is perfectly capable of figuring out what it needs for itself, use that, and store or dispose of everything else.
>Dr. Earl Mindell, the author of the vitamin bible and more than 50 other books on health and nutrition has formulated a juice of over 90% Lycium Barbarum Goji Berries that he says is the most astounding health discovery in 40 years. This is from a man who has dedicated his life to closing half of the hospitals in American and saving over $6,000,000,000 in unnecessary health costs.
>In addition Himalayan Goji Juice is the most nutrient dense natural food on the planet bar none. It is also the most powerful anti-oxidant known to man. On the Bovis energy scale other health products range from 8,000 - 28,000. Himalayan Goji Juice is 355,000 or 12-44 times more life giving energy.
>The choice is yours.
>P.S. 50 nutrients is less than 1/3 of what your body needs for optimal health.
>> Diana Lioznyanssky wrote:
>> Dear Jeff,
>>I am sure your product is very good, and you are right, "cancer prevention and treatments is providing the body with what it needs to heal itself including balance, variety and activity."
>>But how do you know without test What and How Much nutrition your body need? It's why our lab makes metabolic test and then prepair nutrition based on individual's test result.
>>Thank you for offer to learn about your product. I am not a nutritionist and don't know what to take and again how much...so i leave it for docs who know the subject and who make mix of 50 nutritions specificly for me based on my test result.
>>be well.
>>> Jeff Hill wrote:
>>> All of us are in a different state of health based on decades of habits (good and bad), activity and eating patterns.
>>>Any one product will have different benefits/effects for different individuals at different degree of effectiveness even if it is "tailored" to the individuals needs.
>>>The key to good health including cancer prevention and treatments is providing the body with what it needs to heal itself including balance, variety and activity.
>>>In severe cases a person may be past the point of the body being able to heal itself even if it is given the proper "tools".
>>>Cancer is a symptom of an immune system that is not working properly. The process of cell regeneration has skipped a beat somewhere along the way and produced a cell with altered DNA. That altered DNA creates a situation where the normal signals that there is a problem either get masked or don't get issued at all. This in turn creates a situation where the white blood cells (natural killer or T-Cells) don't get the signal they need to come and gobble up the defective cell. This process repeated over and over manifests itself in the form of a tumor.
>>>DNA repair, boosting of the immune system and an increase in white blood cell count are all required functions of a "cure" for cancer.
>>>Graviola (Annona Muricata) has been shown to have some positive effects for some people in terms of reducing cancerous tumor size but to my knowledge does not have any DNA repair characteristics associated with it. In other words the tumors will probably come back.
>>>I'm also aware of a particular algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) that has been known to boost the number of white blood cells leaving the blood stream and entering tissue (boosting of the immune system) but it does not increase white blood count nor does it have any DNA repair properties.
>>>The "Lycium Barbarum" variety of Goji Berries is the only natural substance I am aware of that has all of these properties.
>>>I am aware of only one source for a Goji Berry juice that uses exclusively Lycium Barbarum Goji Berries and meticulously preserves the anti-oxidant and enzymatic properties of the berry in its product.
>>>Email me if you want a copy of an adobe acrobat file on the science behind the Lycium Barbarum Goji Berry.
>>>> Diana Lioznyanssky wrote:
>>>> Hi Jennifer,
>>>>I hope it helps.
>>>>The Seattle Times Company published in 2002 the article of Dr. Fletcher:
>>>>"But the new evidence, much of it in the last couple of years, is that vitamins also prevent the usual diseases we deal with every day - heard disease, cancer, osteoporosis and birth defects."
>>>>As you know both cases: over and under supplementing are dangerous. Only Metabolic Tests may show what our body needs are.
>>>>The company that I work with first in America Makes Custom Nutrition Based on Individual Metabolic Tests Result for mass market affordable for everybody and results are amazing.
>>>>For example:
>>>>For WOMEN:
>>>> Estrogina test that shows risk factor for breast cancer.
>>>>When test shows high risk of cancer the Lab is sending nutrition to your home to low the risk and prevent cancer.
>>>>For MAN:
>>>> Company offeres Urocups for man to prevent prostate, that as you know often became a reason for prostate cancer. (may be you watched our show on TV)Doctors recommend to take this product to all man from 35-40.
>>>>PrivaTest that included 3 Metabolic Tests:
>>>>- Lipid Peroxides - A marker for free radical oxidant stress
>>>>- Sulfates - A marker for liver detoxification ability
>>>>- Nitrates - A marker for nitric oxide regulation..affects immune, vascular and nervous system function. (I have letters from cancer pations. They feel much better after taking nutritions based on this test)
>>>>Contact me and I give information about other rests and products of this amaizing company.
>>>>We all wear different style, color, size of clothes ...Why do we use the 'one size fits all' vitamins?

Private Reply to Maritza Prats (new win)

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