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The Wellness Institute

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Jul 02, 2004 1:40 am Oklahoma University Researchers receive Bio-Photonic Scanner
The Center for Healthy Living Recieves Biophotonic Scanner; One of the First in the Region to Use Cutting Edge Machine

Scanner is Non-Invasive Tool to Measure Antioxidant Levels in Skin Tissue

Send for a certificate for a FREE Biophotonic Scan>>

The Center for Healthy Living at OU MEDICAL CENTER was one of the first in the region to receive the newly developed Biophotonic Scanner, a device that can easily measure a person's antioxidant level - all without the removal of body fluids.

The non-invasive Biophotonic Scanner laser was developed over the last six years at the University of Utah and was partially funded by the National Institute of Health and can accurately determine a person's carotenoid antioxidant level. The new cutting edge non-invasive scanner can measure the carotenoid level in a person's skin. Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants that are found in certain fruits and vegetables and their presence is an excellent indicator of the levels of antioxidants found in a person. By placing the palm of the hand in front of the Biophotonic Scanner, a low-energy blue light laser can measure the antioxidant level and provide an antioxidant score.

It has long been known about the damaging effects of free radicals on the cells in the body. Free radicals can develop from exposure to pollution, exposure to toxic chemicals or even exercise. Antioxidants, which are not produced by the body but are consumed in foods or in vitamins, help to protect the cells in the body from the potentially harmful damage caused by free radicals.

The healthful benefits of antioxidants in a person's body have been prominently studied for many years. Led by University of Oklahoma alumnus Ken Cooper, MD, who recently published a book called the Antioxidant Revolution, the healthful benefits of a high antioxidant level have been linked to good health, protection from several medical conditions and damage from free radicals. In addition, Lester Packer, PhD, author of The Antioxidant Miracle, and The Handbook of Natural Antioxidants, has studied the effects of antioxidants for decades and has published more than 700 scientific papers and 70 books about his research.

"Research is showing the direct relationship between the levels of antioxidants in the blood stream and the ability to delay signs of aging and reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease," said Kelley Spelman, PhD, director, Center for Healthy Living. "In the future it may be as important to know your individual antioxidant level as it is to know your cholesterol level."

Primary Benefits of the Biophotonic Scanner:

Ability to quickly and conveniently obtain biomarker of an individual's antioxidant level
Quick and easy way to track antioxidant level over time and to test the effectiveness of changes to diet, addition of vitamins, etc.
World's first immediate method of measuring antioxidant level without body fluids

What is your body defense score?

For more information regarding the bio-photonic scanner contact:

Clayton Thomas

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