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The Wellness Institute

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Jul 04, 2004 6:11 am re: re: Omega-3 Fatty acids
Brien Shamp
Hello Melle, I recently wrote an article on EFA's that I have included it below. Based upon current research from all the top hormonal docs, nutrtionists and others Flax Oil is on its way out. Not everyone is able to get the benefits from flax due to the difficulty in getting it to the needed EPA/DHA form. Also, to Tim and Lisa Rider not all Saturated Fats are bad. Coconut oil is saturated but it is a MCT and it does promote health. We would not be here as a race if our ancestors did not eat saturated fats. The quality of most saturated fats now days is very poor so you have to be careful. Also, if you cook a monounsaturated fat at a high temperature you just may increase your cholesterol levels given most of the vegetable fats you mentioned are not very stable. Coconut oil is supposed to be the most stable. Lastly on that article, make sure the salmon is wild and not farm raised. June 24, 2004 A Word From Brien... Happy Thursday! The newsletter this week has a focus on the benefits of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) and fish oils. The absolute need for good fats in the diet is a common conversation I have with clients. Some people are still living the low fat lifestyle of the 80's & 90's and are still hoping that their weight, body fat and conditions will decrease. Many of these people have not kept up with their research and if they have heard that fats are good, often there is confusion (See the Atkins Diet). A few weeks ago, I wrote about the benefits of Coconut Oil. Many questioned the positive benefits because they heard in the past that coconut oil was a saturated fatty acid and that saturated fats were bad. As I stated from the research, it is a saturated fatty acid; however, it is a medium chain triglyceride (MCT) and MCT's do not raise serum cholesterol or contribute to heart disease, but are in fact very healthy, especially for weight loss and thyroid function. Some of the negative studies done on coconut oil in the past were done on hydrogenated coconut oil, which has been altered from its original form. We only recommend and sell pure coconut oil from the Philippines. They do not sell this at your local mini-mart. The need for EFA's and the difference in sources is also a very confusing topic that I hope to shed some light on. The following information is taken from www.nordicnaturals.com Nordic Naturals is one of the companies that we have selected (click here to see why we chose Nordic Naturals) for our EFA supplements because of their high quality manufacturing, which is difficult to find. I invite you to go to their site to see the research that they have compiled. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids constitute the two families of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). EFAs are considered "essential" because they are needed throughout the human life cycle, cannot be produced in the human body, and therefore must be provided through the diet. EFAs aid in the maintenance of cell membrane fluidity and stability, development and function of brain and nerve tissue, oxygen transfer and energy production, immune functions, and conversion into compounds involved in all body functions including local hormones governing inflammatory responses. The Linoleic acid (LA) Omega-6 family is found in most plant oils (corn, safflower, canola, sunflower), nuts, seeds, and soybeans. The Alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA) Omega-3 family is found only in oil from cold water marine animals (cod liver oil, sardines, mackerel, anchovies) and flax oil. Omega-3 fatty acid from fish is a direct source of EPA and DHA, while flax seed oil yields ALA that then must be converted into EPA and DHA. The human conversion of ALA to EPA and DHA is slow, only a maximum of 15% of ALA (flax seed oil) can convert to EPA and 5%, if any at all, may convert to DHA. Although flax seed has many benefits, it is not recommended as a source of Omega-3 EPA and DHA fatty acids. Many have been taking flax oil and flax seed with hope that they will get EPA and DHA but the research now shows that fish and fish oil supplements are the ideal way to achieve the benefits of EPA and DHA. Dr. Mercola recommends fish oil and cod liver oil, as well as to consume only wild fish from sources that have tested negative for mercury. The fish that he recommends is from Vital Choice, which we have teamed up with to sell their products. Dr. Mercola states that fish oil and cod liver oil: Helps fight and prevent heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, arthritis, diabetes, ulcers, depression, hyperactivity and many other diseases Increases your energy level and ability to concentrate Provides greater resistance to common illnesses such as flu and cold Helps pregnant women avoid premature births, low birth weight and other complications Dr. Phil Maffetone is another proponent of fish oils and wrote the following: It's estimated that as many as 50 million people in the United States have an essential-fatty-acid imbalance. In most cases this is due to insufficient intake of omega-3 fat coupled with over consumption of omega-6 fat. While this problem can negatively affect health in a number of ways, it is an even bigger problem for athletes, who regularly participate in repetitive activities such as training and racing. Regular training for almost any sport produces an inflammatory effect. While this can be evident in some athletes as injuries and more-chronic conditions, it goes undetected in many others, and can lead to more serious problems such as chronic conditions that end in "-itis," fatigue, depression, and even serious disease such as heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's. The reason for ongoing chronic inflammation is not the exercise, nor is it the inflammation caused by the exercise. Inflammation is a normal part of the healing process in the properly functioning body. The real reason inflammation lingers is that many people do not produce enough natural anti-inflammatory chemicals, called eicosanoids, to counter the effects of inflammation. Most often the reason the body cannot produce these chemicals is because it is deficient in omega-3 fats. The body produces anti-inflammatory eicosanoids from these fats. While most diets in this country do not include sufficient omega-3 fat, worse yet, many include too much omega-6 fat. When consumed in excess, omega-6 can increase inflammatory eicosanoids. So can saturated fats such as those found in dairy products, and hydrogenated fats found in margarine, fake creamers and other processed "foods." If you are an athlete it's possible you have a greater need to produce more natural anti-inflammatory eicosanoids. In addition, omega-3 fats are one key to workout and race recovery. While some omega-3 fat can be obtained from items in the diet such as coldwater fish, beans and vegetables, the best way to be sure you get enough is through supplementation with a high-quality omega-3 oil. For information on the Nordic Naturals products go to their website: www.nordicnaturals.com/professional/products. For more information on EFAs and fish oils go to www.optimalfitnesscenter.com and request more info. Brien > Melle Esser - Arbonne Int'l wrote: > Great information! I have been learning all I can on this topic because Arbonne, the company I represent, has introduced a 100% vegetarian essential fatty acid supplement. >

>Arbonne uses a 70% standardized Flax seed oil, compared to the usual 50% (I have learned that flax seed oil is the richest source of Omega-3's). For optimal results, essential fatty acids should be taken along with antioxidants ... that is why Arbonne has added vitamins A, C, E, CoQ10 and Alpha Liopic acid to their supplement. >

>Interesting, isn't it? >

>Melle Esser
>mellee@myarbonne.com >

> >> Tim and Lisa Rider wrote: >> I read this article and wanted to share it with everyone. It's good information on the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. >> >>To understand omega-3 fatty acids, you need to know the bad fat from the good fats. While all fats weigh in at 9 calories per gram, their chemical compositions vary - as do their potential to cause disease. >> >>Saturated fat is the fat at the top of the Food Pyramid. Saturated fat causes your LDL ("bad") cholesterol to rise. Avoid eating too much saturated fat. >> >>Monounsaturated fat is one of the good fats found in olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, and in most nuts. This type of fat doesn't elevate cholesterol levels. >> >>Omega-3 fatty acids are another good fat called polyunsaturated fat. Known as "essential fatty acids" because your body cannot make them, Omega-3 fatty acids are concentrated in cold-water fish, dark green leafy vegetables, flaxseed oils, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and tofu. >> >> >> >> >> Three Crucial Reasons to Get More Omega-3s! >> >>Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the major types of omega-3 fatty acids. Once eaten, ALA is converted to EPA and DHA which are more readily used by your body to protect your heart, maintain your brain and mental functions, and reduce joint problems. >> >> >> >> Omega-3s Improve Heart Health >> >>Diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids protect your heart by naturally lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. >> >>Two major clinical studies have shown that regular consumption of fish (or, even better, a fish-oil supplement) can prevent sudden deaths due to abnormal heart rhythms. >> >> >> >> >> Omega-3s Alleviate Depression and Symptoms of Other Mental Health Problems >> >>Your brain is about 60% fat and it needs omega-3s to function properly. Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent mental health problems because they seem to keep the brain's entire traffic pattern of thoughts, reactions, and reflexes running smoothly and efficiently. >> >> >> >> Omega-3s Reduce Joint Problems and Arthritis >> >>Researchers have found that omega-3 fatty acid supplements can reduce joint tenderness, decrease morning stiffness, and allow for a reduction in the amount of medication needed for people with rheumatoid arthritis. >> >> >> >> Skip the T-bone - Have the Salmon >> >>In addition to these healthy benefits, various research shows omega-3 fatty acids to be effective in helping with asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, and more. Add an omega-3 dietary supplement to your diet and give your body a nutritious punch - naturally! >> >>Are you getting enough omega-3 in your diet? If you are not and would like some more info. Send me an email lrider@iglide.net. >> >>Lisa Rider >>lrider@gulftel.com >>

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