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The Wellness Institute

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Jul 10, 2004 4:05 am re: STOP peeling your vegies!
Monique Bileski
Hi Kathy,

Cooking vegetables in general will remove nutrients. Here is an interesting article about hygiene but it has a blurb about cooking food http://www.mercola.com/2003/sep/27/hygiene_mistakes.htm .

I've been doing some research on diabetes and the use of stevia. My husband's family has a history of diabetes so I'm doing my share to educate myself and prevent. Have you heard of stevia? There is quite a bit of information on the internet about it. I made some healthy cookies using stevia and Maple syrop. My son loved them. I thought you might find it interesting. Stevia is only classified as a dietary supplement at this point in the States.

Yours in health,
Monique Bileski

> Kathy Tyler wrote:
> Greetings to all on the network. Now that I got your attention let me tell ya how I got into healthty eating.
>Two years ago, at the age of 38, I was diagnosed with diabetes. Both parents have the disease and just an 1 year earlier I had lost my father to the disease due to complications from this menacing and often dibillatating disease. I watched for years as my father ate poorly, battled different medications, and refused to exercise. I watched him slowly kill himself, and now was watching my mother do the same.
>I was on the maximum dosage of oral medications to control high blood sugar levels and was looking at having to be insulin dependant. The medications made me feel sick, against doctors advisements I went of all meds and learned to listen to my body.
>I had a dramatic lifestyle change and learned to eat healthy, I am proud to annouce that I have been med free for almost a year and half now. A healthy diet and exercise are now my daily regimin.
>I am self employed as a freelance advertising/marketing consultant. As fate would have it, I've recently crossed paths with a company that teaches healthy cooking methods.
>I am now on thier team as a consultant, I am so very passionate about teaching people about nutrition as I am a success story and testiment to the positive facts of proper nutrition.
>STOP Peeling your vegies!
>This is one of the 6 enemies of nutriton, Im sure most here know that 90% of the nutrients are found in the first 10% of the vegie. It's amazing how many do not know this though.
>Cooking in water!
>Another enemy of nutrition. Many of us boil or steam vegies, we are sterilizing the goodies out of our food!
>Im sure most know this stuff already, but Im happy to have found the network to furhter my knowledge and hopefully contribute some tid bits

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