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The Wellness Institute

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Jul 12, 2004 11:18 pm re: Diabetes!!!...it helped me ..may be it will help you
Diana Lioznyanssky
Dear Kathy,

After a car accident I earned a lot of different problems including high sugar level...once it was 350. I took a lot of medications, and docs projected to me that I'll be disable for the rest of my life.
I found the company that made custom nutrition for me based on my metabolic test result. In 2 months of taking those supplements I started to feel better, in six month I rid off all my medications.

You may look my web www.artinhealth.com or contact me and I give you more information.


> Kathy Tyler wrote:
> I've had a bit of a turn with my diabetes, fabulously under control for almost a year. I've been under a huge amoung of stress for a few months (biz related) and Ive not been eating properly. Many times not eating a meal until after 1 or 2 pm...me bad!
>I've now noticed alot of numbness in my feet, Im guessing the high sugar levels have chewed away at some nerves and also effected circulation. I take Omega 3's and a teaspoon of cinnomon w/ water every morning any other suggetions? Bit nervy (pardon the pun), but I seem to following the same path as my father did with the disease..no ulcers yet on feet...hoping I caught the high levels soon enough Saturday I tested at 460 EEEEEK! Gee why were my eyes blurring! Today Im down to 280 (blood sugar not wieght..LOL)
>Any suggestions appreciated on the board!
>> Joe Severa wrote:
>> Hi Monique:
>>I too am fighting off diabetes II (Syndrome "X") but Stevia & Maple Syrup too, yikes! My teeth hurt just thinking of that combo, lol. Exercise often, eat a modified diabetic diet & stay within the normal weight range for your height. D II is preventable & treatable. The pancreas has 'nuff to do w/o the extra sugar/starch overload.
>>I once deluded myself into thinking that raw brown sugar was better for me than the ordinary table sugar, yeah right! Now I never add any sugar or sugar substitute to my food. Just the thought of the type of complications that diabetes leads to keeps me on course.
>>A healthier life, w/o undo complications, is worth the effort if you really think about it.
>>Take care,
>>Joe Severa (MannaSage)
>>Synergy Worldwide
>>> Monique Bileski wrote:
>>> Hi Kathy,
>>>Cooking vegetables in general will remove nutrients. Here is an interesting article about hygiene but it has a blurb about cooking food http://www.mercola.com/2003/sep/27/hygiene_mistakes.htm .
>>>I've been doing some research on diabetes and the use of stevia. My husband's family has a history of diabetes so I'm doing my share to educate myself and prevent. Have you heard of stevia? There is quite a bit of information on the internet about it. I made some healthy cookies using stevia and Maple syrop. My son loved them. I thought you might find it interesting. Stevia is only classified as a dietary supplement at this point in the States.
>>>Yours in health,
>>>Monique Bileski

Private Reply to Diana Lioznyanssky (new win)

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