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The Wellness Institute

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Jul 15, 2004 3:36 pm re: Stevia
I get something Called "Nutrition Action" every month and they had an article on the different sweeteners. I'll try and find it...but, as my memory serves me, stevia cannot be used in pre-packaged foods because studies showed it caused impotence! That is a problem for me. Anyways, it might not be proof of anything bad, but that is something I'm unwilling to even try:)


> Loranda Thomas wrote:
> Lois,
>I concur with you on Stevia. I use it as a sweetner for cereal all the time and really like it. As you say, you need very, very little to sweeten. I am actually using a stevia that has chicory root in it as well.
>I have also heard that xylitol is excellent as well (which you can get in the health food store also).
>Here are a couple of sites pertaining to aspartame and splenda.
>Have a healthy day,
>> Lois Congdon wrote:
>> This is really a reply to Monique re Stevia. I had an M.D. in Atlanta who practiced nutritional medicine also. He recommended stevia to me and gave me a whole page about it. It is the only sugar substitute I know of with virtually no bad side effects. It is an herb that is sweeter than sugar that is available in health food stores. Especially if you get the liquid, make sure it is one with no bitter after-taste, and go easy on it. 6-7 drops on my cereal is sufficient, and I only use half a small packet in my green tea. The aspartame (poison!) and saccharin people working with the FDA tried to keep it out of our country for a long time, and even now I don't know of any company that uses it in diet drinks or food (e.g. yogurt). Lois Congdon
>>> Kathy Tyler wrote:
>>> I've had a bit of a turn with my diabetes, fabulously under control for almost a year. I've been under a huge amoung of stress for a few months (biz related) and Ive not been eating properly. Many times not eating a meal until after 1 or 2 pm...me bad!
>>>I've now noticed alot of numbness in my feet, Im guessing the high sugar levels have chewed away at some nerves and also effected circulation. I take Omega 3's and a teaspoon of cinnomon w/ water every morning any other suggetions? Bit nervy (pardon the pun), but I seem to following the same path as my father did with the disease..no ulcers yet on feet...hoping I caught the high levels soon enough Saturday I tested at 460 EEEEEK! Gee why were my eyes blurring! Today Im down to 280 (blood sugar not wieght..LOL)
>>>Any suggestions appreciated on the board!
>>>> Joe Severa wrote:
>>>> Hi Monique:
>>>>I too am fighting off diabetes II (Syndrome "X") but Stevia & Maple Syrup too, yikes! My teeth hurt just thinking of that combo, lol. Exercise often, eat a modified diabetic diet & stay within the normal weight range for your height. D II is preventable & treatable. The pancreas has 'nuff to do w/o the extra sugar/starch overload.
>>>>I once deluded myself into thinking that raw brown sugar was better for me than the ordinary table sugar, yeah right! Now I never add any sugar or sugar substitute to my food. Just the thought of the type of complications that diabetes leads to keeps me on course.
>>>>A healthier life, w/o undo complications, is worth the effort if you really think about it.
>>>>Take care,
>>>>Joe Severa (MannaSage)
>>>>Synergy Worldwide
>>>>> Monique Bileski wrote:
>>>>> Hi Kathy,
>>>>>Cooking vegetables in general will remove nutrients. Here is an interesting article about hygiene but it has a blurb about cooking food http://www.mercola.com/2003/sep/27/hygiene_mistakes.htm .
>>>>>I've been doing some research on diabetes and the use of stevia. My husband's family has a history of diabetes so I'm doing my share to educate myself and prevent. Have you heard of stevia? There is quite a bit of information on the internet about it. I made some healthy cookies using stevia and Maple syrop. My son loved them. I thought you might find it interesting. Stevia is only classified as a dietary supplement at this point in the States.
>>>>>Yours in health,
>>>>>Monique Bileski

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