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The Wellness Institute

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Jul 16, 2004 4:58 am re: I'm new here and have a quick question..
Monique Bileski
Hi John,

I promote a high anti-oxidant juice from a company that claims it to be the world's most powerful antioxidant drink. I didn't join the company I'm with for the anti-oxidant drink. It was just a bonus. There are others claiming the same thing. Metaberry makes these claims. I used Noni until I switched. You will also find many amazing testimonials for each.

Do a search on the internet and see what other distributors are saying about the ORAC test results for Xango. You'll find some conflicting information. And alot of people are saying that Xango has been tested by two labs. Brunswick Laboratories are the co-developers of the ORAC assay and are the only commercial laboratory in the U.S. providing ORAC testing. You can send them an email to ensure that the claims that Xango are making are correct. http://www.brunswicklabs.com/

I've never tried Xango, so I don't know how it tastes. I'm sure it's a good product.

Yours in health,

Monique Bileski

> John C. Venezia, CLU,ChFC wrote:
> I'm new here, and rather than formally introducing myself, for now at least you may go to my WebPage. I do have a quick question. I am not yet involved with Xango though have selected an upline if I do. What does anyone know about the Xango product? I have heard nothing bad about it or the company, and it must be a truly phenomenal product with near miraculous healing characteristics, with words that I can't adequately explain or even correctly pronounce. I do know that the claims are that it has unparalleled anti-oxidant characteristics and can significantly aid the immune system.
>Again, I am not promoting it, as I'm not yet formally involved but very seriously considering it. Need some honest and truthful feedback. If you are involved with Xango, I am settled on who I will be working with so don't try to recruit me please. If you are with Xango I just want to know what your experiences have been, good or bad... Thanks,
>John "V"

Private Reply to Monique Bileski (new win)

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