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The Wellness Institute

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Aug 03, 2004 7:37 am Diet and nutritional supplements
John Dumancic
I went to a lecture given by Dr Baghurst of CSIRO concerning diet and nutritional supplements in Perth. Unfortunately even though I was on time the theatre was full and so I have to wait for a tape of the lecture to arrive before I can hear what was said. It's amazing what page three publicity on Saturday's West can do to attendances!
The basic gist of the article was that you don't need to take nutritional supplements so long as you eat the right foods. Well my research tells me that foods today are so nutritionally depleted that you would have to graze on raw foods all day (like a cow) and you still would not get the nutrition you need. Why you may ask... well think of how much of the fruit and vegetables you eat is actually picked ripe and I would suggest that none (or almost none)is picked ripe. Much of it is grown in depleted soils and much of it is processed. This can only have one effect on nutritional content - a significant decrease. So today more than ever foods lack in essential nutrients.
One word of warning - taking any old nutrients isn't necessarily going to work.. most synthetics don't get absorbed as they are not meant for the body. You need to get natural sources for all your nutritional supplements which the body can recognise, break down and absorb.
I know I will be taking nutritional supplements as to do otherwise would put myself at geater risk.

Private Reply to John Dumancic (new win)

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