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The Wellness Institute

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Aug 05, 2004 7:40 pm re: re: re: re: re: New member
I guess I'll requalify my statements from before.
Coral Calcium is a gimmick. Sure, you may get some calcium which is good for you (though in its in organic state no one really knows any long term effects on the body). Calcium is good for bones, it can help alkalize your body (consequently helping out the liver and possibly helping you lose weight as well as provide a less kind environment for cancer), and will help with other things, but you can get much better calcium from other forms. That is all I'll say.
Some of the best ways to get it...broccoli, brussell sprouts, spinach...just a couple. The difference in absorption between Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate is almost inconsequential. You want to have magnesium and Vitamin D with your calcium as both help with absorption. Your need for calcium will go WAY down the more alkaline your diet is as well (get rid of sodas, too much meat, too much sugar). I've read in a couple of places that the highest rates of Osteoporosis are directly proportional to the highest rates of dairy consumption in the world as well. They may or may not be related, but that is interesting as all you ever hear from the Dairy industry is that it is GOOD for osteoporosis...things that make you go hmmm.

Hope that helps a little.


> Eileen Wood wrote:
> Karen,
>Thank you for your response on the other side of the fence. I believe that each individual needs to find the right balance of vitamins and alternative medicines that will work with their unique body chemistry. We all know that no two people are exactly alike. It is like a science test in determining what is wrong in the body and finding the right solutions.
>Sometimes we need to experiment with different things in order to find the right fit. That is what I am working on.
>I have fibromyalgia- although in reading a lot of material it seems there are many ailments that are associated with the same symptoms. So, it is hard to determine if fibromyalgia is indeed what I have. Sometimes it gets a little overwhelming trying to decipher and sort through all the material that is available now.
>But, getting feedback from different people is helping. I greatly appreciate all the information.
>> Karen Arnold wrote:
>> Hello Eileen,
>>Tell you what... I am going to go on the other side of the fence.
>>I worked (past tense) with a company two years ago, that had, I believe, a great coral calcium. The company happened to be Vision for Life, but there were others too that had and STILL HAVE a "good grade" of it available also.
>>By that, meaning the product was not mixed with and filled with cement and or chalk along with a little bit of coral calcium.
>>I still have a few customers that I still get the product for.
>>They DID see a huge difference in their mobility and level of pain.
>>The key here is....a very good grade can be beneficial to many.
>>You cannot go and buy it for 4.95 and expect miracles though. That is where you get all the fillers, and where much of the flack about it "being no good" came from.
>>But....I wouldn't pay $40.00 for it either, like when the craze was happening.
>>I am not sure all the claims about it were absolute either...BUT... I do know, there is a lot of merit in it.
>>It does alkaline the body fluids which leads to better health.
>>It does help many with aches and pains.
>>It does provide energy and helps one lose a little weight through chemical balancing of ones sugar metabolism.
>>Plus there are other benefits that many claim for it.
>>I do not represent it any more, but had to say, I have seen it work and know it does on many.
>>Karen Arnold
>>Gordon Smith wrote:
>>> Hi
>>>I also was fooled about Coral Calcium from Coral Connection USA .
>>>Settled with a wonderful whole food product with immense research and a database of scientific research. Must be one of the most studied natural products.
>>>It is a WHOLE FOOD product , not to be confused with vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals not in a balanced diet can be harmful and have been found to cause some degenerated diseases .
>>>In depth research found the following.
>>>After 28 days the increases in anti oxidants were.
>>>Beta carotene = 510%
>>>Alpha carotene = 119%
>>>Luiten zeazanthium = +44%
>>>Lipid peroxides ( toxins ) were reduced 75%
>>>Alpha tocopherol = +58%
>>>Just some of the HUGE studies into this unique whole food.
>>>PLUS many SENIOR medical people are now using and recommending this superb product. Inc Eye Surgeons , Doctors, Healthcare Professional to name a few.
>>>Study results are available on the web site.
>>>Web Site is available on request.
>>>For more interesting info please call.
>>>To Your Health
>>>Healthwize Group
>>>44 (0) 7950 000 479
>>>> Jesse & Catie McLaughlin wrote:
>>>> Eileen,
>>>>I've read almost NOTHING good about Coral Calcium except for stuff put forth by suppliers of Coral Calcium. There are plenty of great calcium supplements out there, the coral thing is a gimmick. It all started with the Bob Barefoot guy, and the stuff he said was about as hokey and made up as anything I'd ever seen. I once saw a quote of his on how the Okinawans (where the "Coral Calcium" came from) had an average of 250,000 mg of calcium a day! Are you kidding me? They'd have kidney stones in a week. So, I kind of lost respect for most of the Coral Calcium stuff out there. I know of a couple that are pretty good though, if you'd like to check any out.
>>>>PM me if you would like to know. I don't represent a company, so I am not trying to "sell" you anything.
>>>>> Eileen Wood wrote:
>>>>> Hello. I am new to this message board. Can anyone tell me about the Health Thru Nutrition company? I am interested in some products they sell, but I want to know more about the company before I invest.
>>>>>Also, can I get some opinions about Coral Calcium- what you feel the value is if any.

Private Reply to JTM (new win)

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