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The Wellness Institute

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Aug 10, 2004 2:59 pm re: re: New w/ Candida ?
Mike O'Grady
Hi Paula: You might look for a product by Enzymatic Therapy, and it's probably going to be called Yeast Balance. I say probably, because the ET brand is the store brand of Phyto Pharmica which is sold only in Dr's offices & pharmacies, & even though it's the same product, they usually change the names slightly. It's probably the best lab in the country. They don't do MLM & the company has the integrity of Ceasars wife. The ingredients are Oregano, Thyme, Peppermint, & Goldenseal. Very effective. You might also get online & do a search on Dr. Royal Rife. He invented machines that were curing cancer in the 30's. Many alternative docs have some version of these devices which are currently being made by several companies. The point is, ther are specific frequencies that can kill the Candida. Feel free to call me if you have any questions. 903-569-1003 Mike > Melle Esser Helping Hearts wrote: > Hi Paula,
>I'm not a whole lot of help, but I wanted to pass along what worked for a friend of mine ... she recently sought treatment from an alternative-medicine clinic for candida, and she was advised to use a pro-biotic and omega-3 fatty acid supplement.

>Hope you find relief from it! I know my friend was at her wits end dealing with it, too.


> > >> Paula Warner wrote: >> Hello everyone, >> >>I am new to this network, and am seeking advice/referrals. Please do not respond simply to promote yourself or someone else's practice. I am seeking qualified and useful advice only. >> >>My family (my husband, 13 year old daughter, and myself) all have Candida Albicans (intestinal yeast overgrowth - most likely due to antibiotics and diet). I have been trying to treat this myself through diet and supplements (both nutritional and herbal), which I have learned about through books and online research. I have been been following my own program for 8 months now, with great success (lost 45 pounds and reversed almost all of the symptoms), and have had my family on the program for about a month. I have been trying to find a healthcare provider that knows at least as much as I do about this disease, so that my family can get the assistance we need to cure this completely, once and for all. Most of the medical doctors I have spoken with are relatively clueless about Candida, and how to cure it. And, most of the nutritionists I have spoken with claim to know what they are doing, yet actually don't. I am not looking to pad somebody's bank account. I am looking for a cure. I need assistance from someone who can actually help me and my family with this very serious disease. >> >>Do any of you know of any healthcare providers/programs that can help with this problem? I am open to any form of healthcare (Naturopath, Holistic, Nutritional, Acupuncture, etc., as well as MD's), but of course, I prefer to see someone who is covered by my insurance (Blue Shield PPO). Additionally, I am looking for someone who knows of, or can perform, Ozone Therapy. >> >>Any advice or ideas will be much appreciated. Thank you. >> >>~ Paula

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