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The Wellness Institute

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Aug 29, 2004 5:38 am re: re: re: antioxidant supplements not useful
Jeffrey Zerr
Well said Mike!

It's no secret that the Medical/Pharmaceutical empires out there have no interest in "alternative" medical therapies. Why...? Because they don't make a single solitary dime off of it. It makes me sick that so many people are being led to the slaughter house by their own "trusted" doctors. It's quite evident that as long as they keep people sick and tired, then they are guaranteed to keep earning the big bucks.

I was almost a victim myself. At eighteen, I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. I was pre-pubetic, weighed 94lbs. and was only 5'4" tall. I endured months of tests, needles, scans and probes before they hap hazardly diagnosed me. Next step they said, was to shoot me with steroids and cut me open to remove the infected tissue. Long story short... I ran as fast as I could. I fixed my diet, began supplementing with good herbal suplements and maintained a healthy lifestyle. Sixteen years later, and I'm glad to say that I've never taken a single drug for my condition. I life a perfectly normal and healthy lifestyle, simply because I made a choice to take charge of my own health.

Doctors are great for sewing on body parts and removing warts ;o), but when it comes to looking out for your day to day health issues... forget it!

Bottom line... it's all about self responsibility. Antioxidants do work in the body when taken as whole foods, juices or extracts. I work with a company that does make their scientific research public, while most companies tout theirs as being the best without a single stich of scientific evidence to back their claims.

Natural products don't cure people. They only provide the body with the necessary elements to help it heal itself. Well that's my two cents worth. Great posts by all... keep it coming.

Best wishes,

Jeff Zerr

> Mike O'Grady wrote:
> Time for me to weigh in:
>We know the medical establishment is patently dishonest by defenition (Duh!) We also know that "studies" (forced choice, double blind, placebo controlled, flimm flam, shad poppin' rattle trap etc, etc) are worthless because they try to "prove" one point of view. The empirical method is tried & true.
>Now, this is not an endorsement of Juice Plus (because I have a product which is better) but we have known for years that single antioxidants (Q-10 & E for instance) taken alone DO NOT raise serum levels of thos antioxidants! Only when taken as fresh fruits & veggies, (or natural extracts of same)do they raise serum levels! Knowing this, every study done not using this GOD GOVEN-NATURAL METHOD is doomed to fail. How convenient for the RD's & drug companies. They get their funding & are virtually assured from the start that they will achieve the desired results. Everyone's happy & we're dead.
>> Tony Logue wrote:
>>Let's see the medical "establishment" told us smoking was okay....now it's not. Eggs were okay? Not okay? Hmmmm.
>>The list can go on and on. There are studies out there that can used to "prove" almost anything. I guess it's up to the individual, but I for one know that there is a huge difference in how I personally feel when I do and don't supplement.
>>I also have personal knowledge of friends and family who have had excellent results with antioxidant supplementation, in particular proanthocyanidin (PCO) or pycnogenol. Of course, there can be a dramatic difference in the quality of the supplements we buy. The old adage "you get what you pay for" does come to mind.
>>I'm hoping you just threw this in to get some dialogue going....but one never knows.
>>I do know I for one, and many of my friends and family KNOW that supplementation along with proper eating habits, exercise, and working to live stress free is the only way to go.
>>Tony Logue
>>> David Tannen wrote:
>>> This article dropped in my email box. It originates on about.com. Interesting links at the bottom. Once again, isolates, whether natural or synthetic, don't do the job. In some cases they do harm. It is best to eat well and only supplement with whole food.
>>>Aug 25 2004
>>>AHA: it's a no-brainer - antioxidant supplements not useful
>>>By DrRich
>>>An advisory statement published by the American Heart Association in the August 3 issue of Circulation says that there is no good reason for people to take antioxidant supplements. This conclusion was reached by the AHA's nutrition committee after an extensive review of the medical literature.
>>>The committee reviewed 20 separate clinical trials, conducted between 1994 and 2002, that examined whether taking antioxidant supplements (specifically, vitamin E, beta-carotene, antioxidant cocktails, or the combination of vitamins E and C) would reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Most of these studies showed no effect at all on the risk of cardiovascular disease. A few of the studies (generally the smaller ones) did show some effect - but the effect was just as likely to be adverse (that is, to increase risk) as beneficial. Taken together, the conclusion was clear and straightforward: these studies indicate that antioxidant supplements have no effect on cardiovascular risk, either one way or the other.
>>>The bottom line:
>>>The theory behind the use of antioxidants is very good. But study after study has failed to show any measurable benefit from taking antioxidant supplements. So: either the theory is wrong, or the antioxidant supplements available to us just aren't powerful enough. Whatever the explanation, the AHA's advisory statement is sound. There is no good reason, at this point, to spend your money on antioxidant supplements.

Private Reply to Jeffrey Zerr (new win)

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