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The Wellness Institute

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Aug 29, 2004 7:52 pm re: re: re: re: antioxidant supplements not useful
Mike O'Grady

I think you're right. Someone stated that there were 800,000 studies on Life pak....I don't think so scooter! Think of the logistic involved. One company I deal with (nerve testing technology) has around 300 peer review journal studies on their technology & they have been at it 20 YEARS!!! How can any one do 800,000 studies? Also, I would like to see the actual science behind the scanner. I am dealing with a company that hs developed a wrist scanner that will measure blood sugar, blood oxygen, cholesterol and all the "regular" vitals such as blood preasure, pulse rate, etc. & we aren't out of FDA approvals yet. This is NASA technology! Point is...I want to see hard science. Can anyone provide this?


> Gordon Smith wrote:
> Hi
>Clays letter has room for debate.
>Interesting to make claims about restoring peoples vision. Which people. !! Where is the clinical proof !!
>If true thats brilliant!!
>One company I know has 33% increase in anti oxidant levels. Backed up by research by a company with over 200 independent trials wordlwide. Not just the USA.
>Lifepak being the only product with clinical proof. What nonsense. Dont know much about Pharmanex to comment. Are they attached to a pharmaceutical company.
>So many are single minded on there own business and product. Making claims of any kind is a dangerous path to go down. Especially of cure by a natural product.
>Interesting Days
>So the argument is not over whether or not they are important but which products actually do anything. Thre University of Nebraska Volleyball program just started a study using the Pharmanex Bio-Photonic Scanner and LifePak. Half of the team started on LifePak and the other half took Centrum. After a month the team was rescanned and none of the Centrum users had any increase in antioxidant score while the LifePak group averaged a 30% increase in a month. Point being if researhcers would use quality products in res earch, LIfePak being the only product with any clinical proof
>;I have it.... LifePak and the scanner do just that,
> I've helped people restore vision in a matter of a few months.
>>>Clayton Thomas

Private Reply to Mike O'Grady (new win)

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