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Bangalore Business Network [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Let the truth prevail...Views: 121
Oct 19, 2005 4:56 am re: Let the truth prevail...

Deepak Shenoy
In a lighter vein:

Scenario 3:
Aliens invaded Earth and some took the form of the TTE and RPF officials. They decided that Nimish was the enemy and proceeded to beat him up, then when they saw Srinivas, another alien incarnate, they realized they were wrong and let Nimish go. Some money exchange happened because the aliens wanted money to buy cigarettes, which are banned on their home planet.

Scenario 4:
Nimish looked exactly like a particular guy who had conned the TTE long time ago, money the TTE had saved to buy a scooter for his youngest son. So the TTE along with the RPF officials attacked Nimish. But Srinivas, the real conman, came in and returned the money of the TTE - so they left Nimish. But the conman wanted some money so he tried to con Nimish.

Scenario 5:
Nimish hates TTEs and RPF officials, and the reason for his anger is that a TTE had pulled him away from his twin brother in the Kumbh mela when he was a kid. So he bashed up the TTE and convinced people that it was the other way around, but the TTE introduced him to his long lost twin, who was named Srinivas, so Nimish took back his complaint.

To those reading this and considering suing me for libel: This is a joke. It is fabricated nonsense that is intended to make you laugh. If you don't laugh, then it is what is called a bad joke. Whatever it is, don't take it seriously.

Private Reply to Deepak Shenoy (new win)

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