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Dec 22, 2003 1:54 pm re: Is China a threat towards western employees..?
Jad (T.J.) Duwaik
Was the industrial revolution a threat to British employees? Globalization is, I think, going to be as much of a massive change throughout the world as the industrial revolution, if not more so because it will happen in a shorter time period.

I read an article recently suggesting that the US needs to follow Hong Kong's example and become a service-oriented economy. What the author failed to recognize, however, is that Hong Kong is a single city. There's no way an entire country -- at least with the current education system -- can become a services-only economy.

Moreover, HK firms are able to keep paying those fat service salaries from the fat profits they make by investing in mainland China. American companies, with their lack of Chinese connections, will simply not be able to duplicate that model.

For many years, many observers have been predicting that the US will get its comeuppance. For many years, especially this year, they have been dead wrong. But I think it's just a matter of time. Maybe not next year, maybe not the year after. But soon. Eventually. Inevitably. The world will catch up.

Those who can ride the wave will prosper. The rest will drown.

Private Reply to Jad (T.J.) Duwaik (new win)

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