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Jan 07, 2004 4:06 pm re: NAME CARDS
Winston Huang

You have summed up very well the basic principles of translating names to Chinese, or more generally, to any language. Sometimes it's no easy task and demands a lot of creativities.

In your case, (if you are looking for a Chinese name), I would recommend you to translate your name directly to Chinese. Your first name is well known in China thanks to James (~{U2D7J?~}) Bond. Your last name, if I am not mistaken, is a form of "Hugh", with Chinese translation ~{P]~}, which is not unheard of in China thanks to the actor Hugh Grant.

All together, (if you still think it makes sense), your Chinese name will be "~{U2D7J?!$P]!0~}. I am sure there might be better or more artistic translation out there.

> James Huey wrote:
> All of the advice is that a Western business person in China should take business (name) cards with one side translated into Chinese, and we are also told about the niceties of passing and receiving name cards: no problem with that!
>But just WHAT is translated into Chinese? Should it be a phonetic equivalent of the western pronunciation of the Western given name and surname? In that case, be prepared that in some cases there is no direct phonetic equivalent, and you may end up with 5 or 6 (or more) Chinese characters. And these may be different (for the same sound) to give the syllables a nicely relevant "good business" feel.
>Or: what about the alternative of adopting a Chinese name, maybe with some close phonetic relevance to your own family name (surname), but presented in the Chinese way: a single syllable (character) family name followed by up to two character given names ... again, chosen for their good feel/image for the business and person.
>What is the experience of seasoned "China Hands"?
>What do our Chinese friends think is the best way to provide a "name" for a Western visitor?
>Anyone got any real-life examples???
>What works well, and what doesn't ??

Private Reply to Winston Huang (new win)

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