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Feb 03, 2004 10:06 am Do you know some good and creative web-designer ?
Helene Manouvrier
Dear all,
I know an agency in Beijing who is looking for a highly creative web-designer, preferably part-time. If some of you know a fantastic & creative person who will be able to WOW his foreign boss in mastering Flash, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, PageMaker... etc... then would you please ask him/her to contact & send all his/her references and works to Mr. Arnaud Baril at abaril51@yahoo.fr. This opportunity is offered to chinese who can speak English and can also be opened to foreigner - but definitely the applicants will have to show a high degree of creativity. I have no idea of the range of salary, so better deal directly with Arnaud. I hope that this ad will help some of you or your friends, and sorry for the others not concerned, for any inconvenience caused. Have a very nice day ahead. Cheers ! Helene.

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