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Feb 27, 2004 6:23 am re: re: I love China!
Hans Kumlin
From Taiwan it's just a short swim over to Xiamen where I live~~ I can see Taiwan from the beach over here.

I wouldn't suggest swimming though. Unless you have a map of how to avoid the mines and traps in the water ;)


> Michael Charton wrote:
> I have to respond. I love things Chinese as well. Regretfully have only been to Taiwan so far.
>> Renee Suchy wrote:
>> Hello folks...I don't think I've ever introduced myself on this network. I have a deep appreciation and love for China - the people, the culture, the rich history, all of the great things that we owe to the Chinese for bringing to us. I love reading stories of China, especially those by Pearl S. Buck. I find it very fascinating. Someday I hope to travel there.
>>I am a married mother of five children. I just started an at home business selling Essential Oils. If anyone is interested, my site is http://sadiesgift.younglivingworld.com . I'm kind of looking for some support, as this is only my second month in and I am very close to a bonus in February. If you orderthis month, I will offer a free gift. I appreciate all the wonderful people on Ryze...it's such a great place and I'm glad my sponsor invited me! Please let me know if I can be of support or assistance to anyone else too!
>>Renee M. Suchy
>>YLEO Independent Distributor #607677

Private Reply to Hans Kumlin (new win)

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