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Apr 08, 2004 4:49 am Need Partenrs in China
Rev. Maitreya Jhampa
Dear Hans and Nellie,

Stopping to say hello and a brief introduction.

Saw you site on Ryze for the China Community and joined to learn more about the China Community and activites in China.

My name is Rev. Maitreya and currently live in Taiwan, although orgins are from the USA, but have stayed in Asia Region about 30 years.

Currently, I operate a site at http://DXGlobal NetWork.bravehost.com , which is primarily a site for DXMerchants and e-currency users.

We are looking for DXMerchant partners in China or persons who would like to become DXMerchants for DXGPC (DXMerchant Global Payment Console).

DX means DXGold. 1 DX = 1US$ and trades with most online major ecurrency from which 6%-12% bonus are paid to DXMerchants through the operations of the Console which trades with variious ecurrencies amoung our memebers or businesses using ecurrency.

In a few months the DX system will use Iris Security, which will be one of the safest on the internet for ecurrency users and ecurrency related businesses.

If you have a moment I hope you can send an email to me at goldmasterdx@yahoocom to discuss further, as eventially this system could be very benefical to chinese businesses and ecurrency users in China.


Rev. Maitreya
886-3-5300075 (Home)

P.S. Our major concern of being on the internet is not only to provide a business service, but to develope funds for human relief projects and a worldpeace hospital in Nepal.

Private Reply to Rev. Maitreya Jhampa (new win)

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