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Jul 14, 2004 7:27 pm Looking for a Partner (Web Development/Database)
Ash Singh
Dear Ryze Members,

Thank you for taking the time to read my thread. My name is Ash Singh and I currently own and operate several social network sites in Canada(TeenDate.ca, GaySingles.ca, CollegeandUniversity.ca) and own an international site (SikhPal.com).

Over the last year, with the help of our television, radio, newpaper and other media partners, we have seen exponential growth across all sites. Our growth has been so impressive that we have recently been offered seed capital from 2 firms.

Due to the high growth, we are now forced to upgrade our current engine to accommodate our thousands of daily visitors.

I am looking for a development house in China to partner up with to help with the growth that we are experiencing. An ideal partner would have a team of experienced programmers in MySQL, PHP, .net and other server-side applications.

If you are interested please message me and we can discuss this further. Please include a brief background of your experience in your message.

Thanks again for your time.

Ash Singh

Private Reply to Ash Singh (new win)

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