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Is Poverty artificially created?Views: 47
Mar 18, 2009 5:25 am Is Poverty artificially created?

Basab Ghosh
Is wealth for one created by exploiting another? If the global money supply is a constant, then following the laws of entropy, that seems to be the case. For one to get rich, another must become poor.

Poverty then, is man-made and man, both the poor and the rich is responsible for his own status. I agree with Paddy when he says artificial means of equalising the individual share of money serves no purpose, people will return to their own state within a short span of time.

The need then, is to raise the general level of prosperity by creating opportunities in remote areas for the inhabitants to raise the minimum standards of living, by limiting the opportunities for exploitation by making information on the level of exploitation available to the exploited and by providing alternative avenues for them to prosper. Beyond that, it is the individual capability that will decide whether one will ride a BMW or a bullock cart.

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