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Is Poverty artificially created?Views: 43
Mar 21, 2009 5:25 am re: re: Is Poverty artificially created?

Kanchana Ravichandran
Venkat - Caste is just ONE of the reasons for poverty! Maybe it played a more important factor generations back but not so prominent today!

Even today we see the so called FC in abject poverty while we also know of a lot of success stories of the BCs not only rich but highly successful.

Main factors of poverty is becoming addicted to drinking, gambling, unwilling to work, spending more than their means, sudden death of an earning member in the family, being cheated of their inheritance or driven out of their homes etc.

Senthil - being a die-hard optimist and a practical person I don't believe that short-term relief in the form of money really benefits the poor. Once they gain the knowledge (which Dr. Kalam strives and which was mentioned in this thread by our own Prof. Nagarajan) then they can use it and rise themeselves about poverty. By jus giving them money or food - you are in fact making them dependent on you and also lazy. I would like to cite an example:
Just after Tsumani, like most others, I too approached a few Corporate and collected money and went and distributed not money but rice and pulses and other items to a Tsunami affected village. The 3rd time I visited them after a span of nearly a month I was pleasantly taken aback - when they came and demanded for turmeric powder, masala powder, cashew etc. I had to explain to them that the stuff I brought them was the toil and sacrifices of so many people who sacrificed an outing with their family and friends, or a movie, or worked overtime to help them and it will not happen on a long term basis as each have their own priorities and once these villagers realise that it will be better for them too. I was also quite upset with the young strong men who were playing cards and smoking cigarettes when I arrived at their village. They showed me the wooden poles and thatched roof all lying around and said they were waiting for volunteers to come and build their houses. I told them that they should not wait for help always but build their own houses which they had always been doing.
This is with all human nature. When we know someone will also be there to help us, we will not make any attempt to rise up but will continue to be in this state and find fault. Once we change this mentality then poverty is not exist - I truly feel poverty is artificially created.

Private Reply to Kanchana Ravichandran (new win)

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