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Jul 24, 2005 12:37 pm Home Business Industry -With Breakthough Product and China is Targeted. Get signed up for FREE NOW
patty hopson
80 % and growing of all people I have told have Joined!They Know it is Great!
No Fees to Participate...NO Forced Monthly Purchases
This Is Exploding and the only one online like it.
Results Sell - Day one you'll feel it, day two you'll love it and day three you'll be telling your friends.
M2C Global is something everyone will want and you can really make alot of money Online and Off with this because it is so neat
Like I said Join Free & then read everything. I am very excited about this one
NO Fees to Participate - Why should you pay a distributor fee to sell for any company? Never pay a distributor fee to join a company ever again!
NO Forced Monthly Purchases - One of the biggest reasons people drop out is because companies force them to purchase product every month they can't afford.
One Powerful Product - SIMPLE and this is going to SELL! It's not a pill, its not a capsule, its not a liquid and... IT WORKS FAST!
Results Sell - Day one you'll feel it, day two you'll love it and day three you'll be telling your friends.
Manufacture Direct - Unlike 99% of most so-called "opportunities" who have their products made by someone else and pass high costs on to distributors, this company is the manufacturer direct, and there are no middle sales or multi-level companies.
Solid Company - A 12 year old manufacturer that has the capability of shipping over 80,000 units of product a day out the gate. No worry about manufacturer delays or shortages or credit line problems when momentum hits. Facilities located in 4 countries.
Free Samples to Dealers - They will continually be giving out Free Samples for Dealers to Hand Out. Most companies simply can't afford to do this, but they make the products and understand the importance of getting people to try the product.
Low Cost - A two months supply will only cost $49USD. No more trying to sell your friends on buying $200 or $300 of product that they don't need. And wait till you see the plan where reps may never have to pay for product again out of their pocket! You will love it!
Pays Out Checks Daily - They understand the importance of getting dealers money quick. This is the advantage of an all ready established manufacturer.
Free Replicating Sites with Complete Back Office - $280,000 software already in place.

Patty Hopson

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