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Jan 28, 2005 1:07 am re: Opening In Taiwan Looking for leaders
Anders Moller
Hi, I’m Anders Moller, a business executive currently in Sweden.
I’m pursuing a new senior-level position in Asia, Dubai or The US.
You might want take a look at my CV at www.andersmoller.com

> Michael Geddes wrote:
> Hi , We are a Billion Dollar Company presently operating in 7 countries, USA , Canada ,Uk, Australia ,New Zealand , Japan and this month offically opened in Korea.
>We are now expanding into Taiwan, Germany, Denmark and Mexico and the EU within the next few months.Hong Kong and other countries will follow soon in Asia.
>We are putting together the right team of leaders who are experienced in Networking and also the Young Sharp Entrepeneurs who are willing to learn.
>Go to www.glycomike.biz and take a tour of our business and I will contact you with further information.
> Let Me Explain Some Of The History Making Points About our Technology and what you have your hands on if you so choose.
> 1ST. Has to do with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT. Now MIT is a very prestigious university and their full focus is on science and academics. And the annual review magazine that they put out each year called Technology Review: In January 2003 the cover read, "Ten Emerging Technologies That Will (not might, not could, but Will ) Change the World". And our technology, or the study of these sugars, or glycomics, is listed as one of those ten emerging technologies that WILL change the world.
> MIT on Sept.29-30 2004 invited only 25 companies to this Conference to speak on Future Technology and we were the only company in our category that was invited.
> 2nd. Our CEO and Chairman of the board was recently chosen to serve on the board of The United States Council for Responsible Nutrition. A Major Honor for anyone in Nutrition
> 3rd. The fact that the federal government of the United States set up a 34 million dollar federal grant for a 5 year research project among the top research hospitals and 2 in Europe to try to study these individual sugars and monosaccharides to try to figure out exactly how they work, why they work and what their implications are in disease.
> 4th. The Royal Society of Medicine is probably one of the Most Respected Medical Research Organizations on the entire planet. They heard that a research and development company in Dallas, Texas, had already filed multiple world-wide patents on any combination of natural sugars that have to do with this technology, they were incredibly impressed. So much so, that they decided to invite our medical director to come to present the science behind our products to their top researchers. Dr. John Axford, president of the Royal Society of Medicine Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergy was so incredibly impressed with what he saw and heard that he decided to join our board of directors. Dr. John Axford is a Fulbright scholar. He has also written two best selling medical textbooks. His name is listed on over 50 published, peer reviewed scientific papers and over 100 medical abstracts. And obviously a man with his incredible medical background would never even consider risking his reputation by joining the board of a nutritional company unless he was absolutely convinced we had our hands on something incredible that had the power to change the lives of people around the world.
>5th. The Eighth Annual World Congress on Medicine and the Internet that was sponsored by the United Nations was held in Geneva, Switzerland. We were the only nutritional company in the entire world that was invited to present material before that very prestigious conference.
>6th. Dr John Rollins a former award winning U.S. Trademark and Patent Office Official calls Glyconutrients one of the most important Healthcare discoveries of the 21st century
>Michael Geddes

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