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Network Marketing Like a MLM Pro

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Mar 24, 2004 5:57 am Re: I'm looking for website visitors,
Larry Arnone

This is a question that I have heard more times than not and it's a good one. In order to answer this question fairly I have had to due some research on Kimbers business in order to give her some suggestions. First, I should point out that although getting site traffic is always good to any business it certainly does not necessarily mean you are going to get people to buy products or come into your business venture as a partner based on just seeing your website.


Network marketing is a business of building relationships. While you build a relationship with a potential customer or partner you are also building (what so many in our industry forget) trust. Sure, you will come across a few that will be open and receptive to "a good money making idea" but the real question is will they stick or stay in? It has been my experience that they will be out of your business faster than getting in.


Sorry, I didn't mean to get off track here. My point here is it is better to drive traffic to your site by getting people interested in you. One way this can be accomplished is by writing an article about your business and builds some curiosity into it and in closing of your piece you will add your url. Believe me when I say that if they are interested in you they will certainly check out your website. I use a program that allows me to post thousands of classifieds on the internet for FREE at the click of one button. The program that I purchased cost me a one time fee of about $100.00. I think I get a pretty good bang for the hundred bucks I spent. That program alone puts anywhere between 150 to 200 people onto my splash page every month. All I did was purchase the program and came up with about 30 articles (2 hours) and clicked a button.


I could write pages here on driving traffic to your site. If you need more information I will gladly help anyone that asks. Thats why my number is so easily found. It's on my page as well as some previous postings. Thats another training I could do for you guys. How many of you are constantly chasing down prospects? Want to know how to get them to chase YOU DOWN? Let me know and I will be happy to share.


Going Vertical,


Larry Arnone (Founder) N.M.C.

Financial Freedom Intl,

San Francisco, Ca

(415) 533-3064


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