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Jul 23, 2004 7:54 pm re: re: re: re: re: Has anyone here ever heard of Mentors in Motion?
Paul Bradley Cordle

Bob: "It has been my experience that almost all the people that have made any money with MIM, can't seem to build a business in Networking/MLM Co.'s."

Paul: Obviously, you don’t have any experience with MiM.

Bob: "If these tools really are so great, why wouldn't they simply apply them to their own business and retire in a few years......"

Paul: For people who apply this tool, it doesn’t take “a few years”. Are you honest enough to tell your prospects that they shouldn’t expect to make any money with your business for 2-3 years BEFORE they join your business?

Bob: "Just a thought, but we have to be aware of all of these expensive "tools" that wind up getting stacked up alongside of other tapes and books that promised the easy way to riches."

Paul: How much is weekly coaching from a top marketing professional and multi-millionaire worth? Expensive? This is the most valuable investment you’ll ever make in your success!

Bob: "I have a subtantial business, and trust me, if someone could show me the "key" to better, faster growth I would be first in line to invest. What I have found is that most people "selling" the key can't demonstrate a success pattern personally."

Paul: I’m a full-time marketer with a $400,000 house on 6 acres. How about you?


Paul Bradley Cordle
The Passionate Alchemist

> Robert Chalmers wrote:

Private Reply to Paul Bradley Cordle (new win)

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