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Aug 05, 2004 12:42 am I'm new here and want to ask your advice
Yvette Bergeron SFI & Triple Clicks, T/E Network
I just signed up for a program that sounds like a winner, if it would just catch on. Here's the ad:

Great Way to Increase Monthly Sales

How would you like to earn Sales every month, Guaranteed?

Join the Frequent Shoppers Club and have shoppers under you who MUST make a monthly purchase. You have no Min Amount to spend. Members will be placed under you until you recruit your own.

Nice to have guaranteed shoppers for your products every month!

Go to: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/frequentshopper1

Best idea yet! I'm increasing my sales, and so will you!

Make sure you tell them Yvette sent you in the Petals group.

Now, what will you have to make a purchase from with me as your sponsor? Here's just a partial list:

I have Gourmet Coffee: http://www.coffeefirst.com/members/s.aspx?s=Yvette

I have Miracle products: http://187641.themastersmiracle.com

I have environementally-safe cleaning products: http://www.quickinfo247.com/7571407.50/VCL

I have an ISP service that will cover your own purchase every month at: http://www.quickinfo247.com/7571407.5/ISP

(There is also LD service, wireless, the Neighborhood Plan, etc.!)

And many other products in our Veriuni store at: http://www.quickinfo247.com/7571407.50

If you can't find anything you want/need from me, I sell magazines (over 600+) in the Veriuni store, too.

Or, you can trade suppliers and choose another of the many other programs people are representing in this club.

WOULDN'T YOU LIKE FOR YOUR PRODUCTS TO BE ADVERTISED IN THIS WAY? You will have people trying your products by buying them and hopefully, becoming regular customers of yours!

A great idea here, folks, that you should be taking advantage of!

Petals Group

I joined from a WAHM site. Many of these programs have $10 min or such, but my products are mostly more than that. This one has no min., so I though I'd give it a try.

Thanks for your advice!

Private Reply to Yvette Bergeron SFI & Triple Clicks, T/E Network (new win)

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