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Sep 20, 2004 4:17 pm re: Nice to meet you!
Ilka Flood
Hi Lynn,

it's very nice to meet you too! It looks like you're having fun with what you're doing. That's very important! You also seem to know exactly what you want, set some goals and are working towards reaching them. Seems like you need to get there fast as the uncertainty of your husband's job looms in the air.

Sounds very familiar to me. I've been there before. Sometimes, in order to reach our goals, we have to do things that are a bit uncomfortable for us. We have to step out of our comfort zone. That's not easy, but it can be done if we just keep our focus...and just do it!

I wish you the best of luck and much success with your business'. You can do it! Just keep your focus!

Ilka ;o)
P.S. I hope your husband keeps his job and everything works out fine. Often when God closes a door, he opens a window.

> Lynn McMonigal wrote:
> Good evening, all! My name is Lynn. I am a consultant with two different scrapbooking companies, as well as a coffee company. Top Line Creations (TLC) is where I put most of my focus. I started with Kat's Coffees and More to earn a discount on the coffees that I was giveing to my TLC hostesses anyway! The second scrap compnay, Picture Perfect Scrapbook Compnay, is something that I just offer to my customers. The products compliment TLC very nicely. I enjoy what I do.
>Recently, things have been really up in the air with my husband's job. My business has been going well, but not well enough. I have a few goals that I really want to meet (beginning with being at the next rank in TLC by January 1). With the posibility of the shop my hubby works at closing, I want--no, I NEED, to be able to support our family on my home business income.
>That is why I am here!! Just looking for some direction, some ideas on what I can do to promote my business better and be successful at this.
>Lynn McMonigal
>Top Line Creations Instructor #402844
> www.topline-creations.com/LynnMcMo
>Picture Perfect Scrapbook Company Ind. Consultant #1361
>Kat's Coffee & More Independant Consultant #0758

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