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Network Marketing Like a MLM Pro

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Oct 16, 2004 3:34 pm re: Kerri and all,
Ilka Flood
Hello Kit,

I'm totally with you on that. I'm glad you're proud and
love what you do.

I'm one of those people you are referring to down below. I had a hard time admitting that I was in MLM. It had primarily to do with the last company I was with and I don't want to mention their name. They are clearly an MLM company from the way they are structured, but always stated that they are NOT MLM. So when I was trying to recruit people I always had a hard time, because I was feeling I was lying or hiding something. Needless to say I didn't do well.

Anyway, it's a mute point now, since I am with a new company. We are very proud to be an MLM company and distributing our product(s) that way....it's the BEST way our flagship product could be distributed because we need to "tell our story".

I'm totally convinced that MLM or Network Marketing or whatever you want to call it, is the best distribution system in the world and other big companies out there....and I'm not mentioning any names again...are seeing this and are adapting to our system. For a great article on that read Fortune Magazine's August 9th issue with Arnold Schwarzenegger on the cover.


Ilka ;o)

> Kit Grazioli wrote:
> Instead of being frustrated by those who try to put a different spin on network marketing/mlm/referral/directsales, I find it amusing.
>I, like Scott, am proud to be a network marketer and in the network marketing industry. The people who have a difficult time saying that, in my viewpoint, do not recognize the strength of the business they are in, do not understand the history of the business, and are not continuously reading books and magazines which call network marketing the most effective distribution system in the world. Instead of trying to change them, I take Jim Rohn's advise when he says he used to be frustrated by liars. saying they shouldn't do that, but now he knows that certainly they should do that because they are liars, what do you expect them to do. I am definitely not characterizing those who refer to their business as other than mlm as liars. Just that life is too short to let those things upset you.
>I am so happy that my network marketing company has just recently launched in Australia and looking forward to working with all the great Aussies and Kiwis.

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